3. Students on the Rolls of the Institution This section shall include the following information about the students on the Rolls of the institution: ...Read More
GOVERNANCE NSS Training College has a clear financial policy to ensure that funds are used efficiently and effectively for academic, administrative, and infrastructure development purposes, which eventually enables the realization of the institute’s vision and goal. The college mobilises funds for its regular activities from various agencies. The college generates financial resources through...Read More
Annual fees charged from students of different Programmes and Annual fees fixed by the State Govt, for different Programmes : S.I. No.ProgrammeTotal Annual Fee charged by the Institution [Current Session)Fee fixed by the Central/State/Union Territory Government [Current Session) 1B.Ed.3180003180 2M.Ed.2317504635Read More
Teacher Education Programmes (s) offered in the Institution SI. No.ProgrammeNumber and Year of NCTE RecognitionSanctioned Intake 1B.Ed1960100 2M.Ed199550 3Ph.D in Education201832Read More
A. General Information i. Name and address of the Institution: N.S.S. TRAINING COLLEGE, OTTAPALAM District.PALAKKAD State; KERALA Email: nsstcottapalam@gmail.com Telephone No. with Code :0466 2244359 ii. Year of establishment : 1960 ...Read More