Brief note on college union and its activities
Education is meant for the all- round development of the individual. College union brings students together to connect, collaborate and learn. College union and its activities help students to express their talents, learn life skills and get citizenship training. College union acts as a bridge between staff and students. The college union (2023-24 ) election was held on 1/11/2023. The following members are elected as office bearers of the college union 2023-24.
Staff Advisor – Dr. Sreevidya Nair N
College Union Chairman – Mr. Basim . A
Vice Chairperson – Ms. Darsana .K.K
General Secretary – Ms. Anjana .K.V
Joint Secretary – Ms. Drisya. E.S
University Union Counsellor – Mr. Akshay .S
Fine Arts Secretary – Ms. Sangeetha. S
General Captain – Ms. Akhila Ravi
Magazine Editor – Ms. Aleena .K. Shibu
The oath taking ceremony was conducted on the same date after the election. Dr Smitha R ( Returning officer ) did the welcome address and announced the results. Principal Dr. Ampili Aravind did the presidential address and recited the oath to the office bearers, class representatives and association secretaries. Felicitation was done by Dr Lakshmi.V ( Staff Secretary) and Basim .A (Chairman ) followed by Vote of thanks by Dr Sreevidya Nair .N ( Staff Advisor)
The first programme of College Union 2023-24 was the Celebration of “National Education Day” with various competitions regarding that day (Essay writing, Poster making, Cartoon making),which was held on 10/11/2023 Friday.
Then on 27/11/2023 Monday as a part of observance of “ National Constitution Day” special speech on ‘ Revisiting history and relevance of Indian constitution ‘ by our students and preamble reading by Prof.( Dr ). Ampili Aravind, our principal was held.
“ Holista” Christmas celebration 2023 was conducted by college union on 22/12/2023. The official functions and programme inauguration was held in college auditorium,which followed by ‘ Santa dance’,Cake cutting ceremony and various competitions regarding Christmas ( Card making, Poster making ,Carol competitions)
College Union and Arts club were inaugurated by the Famous actor Sri. Unni Mukundan on 7/3/2024 . The auspicious day got more pleasant with the gracious presence of the actress Ms. Mahima Nambiar . The name of the college union was revealed by the chief guest. Principal Prof. ( Dr). Ampili Aravind ,Staff advisor Dr. Sreevidya Nair .N ,Other college faculties and union representatives made the formal function more brightful with their valuable words. The official programme was followed by various cultural activities of students.
“ Jwala’ college arts festival 2023-24 was celebrated on 12/3/2024 .Arts club secretary welcomed the gathering and college principal Prof. ( Dr). Ampili Aravind inaugurated the function, which follows On stage events of arts festival .Offstage events were conducted from 28/4/2034 to 6/3/2024.
“ Athletica’ Annual sports meet 2023-24 was held on 14/6/24.The programme officially inaugurated by Principal Prof. ( Dr) . Ampili Aravind followed by track events. The game events were conducted on 19/3/24 to 21/3/24.
Education is meant for the all-round development of the individual. College Union brings students together to connect, collaborate and learn. College union and its activities help students to express their talents, learn life skills and get citizenship training. College union acts as a bridge between staff and students.
Staff Advisor: Dr. Lekshmi V
Fine-arts Advisor: Dr. Mridula K
College Union Chairman: Sri Ananthakrishnan K
College Union Vice-chairperson: Smt. Janani B
College Union General Secretary: Sri Ajith K
College Union Fine-arts Secretary: Smt. Anagha K.G
College Union Magazine Editor: Ms. Jeemol Shaji
Sports Secretary: Anand Sreedharan