The college belongs to Nair Service Society and its management is vested with the N S.S ‘Colleges, Central Committee. Nair Service society is one of the pioneering educational agencies of Kerala state. It was established under the great leadership of Mannathu Padmanabhan on 31st October 1914. The society stands for the upliftment of the Nair community of the state through various service activities. Apart from that, the Nair Service Society fosters the development of the all weaker sections of the society through education.
Our Founder
The Nair Service Society was founded by the illustrious leader and magnificent social reformer “Bharathakesari” Sri MANNATHU PADMANABHAN . Owing to the farsighted vision of its founder leader, the Nair Service Society has been able to run a large number of prestigious educational institutions spread all over the state both at the school and the college level.
General Secretary
Colleges Central Committee