Institutions Waste Management Policy Document
The institution has clear policyand guidelines for waste management and use
• All individuals (teaching, nonteaching and students) of the institution should practice minimum waste creation.
• All individuals (teaching, nonteaching and students) of the institution are entitled to reduce the production of any forms of waste inside the campus.
• A Waste Management Cell has to be constituted in the campus including members of teaching staff, and students with principal as the chairman.
• The Waste management Cell should check the provisions and proper use of various waste disposal facilities available in the institution.
• The Waste management Cell shall comprise of members from teaching, nonteaching and students of the institutionwith principal as the chairman.
• The Waste management Cell shall conductWaste management audit biannually and submit the report to the head of the institution.
• Necessary actions have to be taken by the head of the institution to reduce the production, disposal and segregation of waste inside the campus based on the report submitted by the Waste Management Cell.
• Signboards on waste management, disposal and segregation need to be displayed at the focal points of the institution.
• Use of covered,coloured containers to collect wastes of different nature shall be promoted in the institution.
• Use of plastic materials of any kind shall be reduced/avoided in the classrooms, staffrooms and office rooms.
• Recycling of paper waste to socially useful productive materials shall be practiced and promoted in the institution.
• Biodegradable waste shall be recycled and made use of as organic manure.
• E-waste/Nonbiodegradable waste shall be disposed in collaboration with the municipality.
• Sensor based energy conservation to prevent over flow
• Carbon foot print audit has to be practiced in the institution