Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat (EBSB) has been one of the major flagship programmes of the Government to bring in cultural integration of the country as a part of the vision to build a “New India by 2022”. The program was launched by the Honorable Prime Minister to promote engagement amongst the people of states and...Read More
Statutory Declaration Under Section 4(1)(B) RTI Act 2005 “Our college has an active RTI cell that ensures transparency and accountability in all aspects of the institution’s functioning. This dedicated wing efficiently responds to public queries, providing timely and accurate information about the college and its activities, thereby fostering a culture of openness and accountability...Read More
The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of NSS Training College was set up as quality sustenance and enhancement measure on 30th May 2006, Dr. K.E.Valsala was the first Chairman and Dr. K. Rajagopalan was the first IQAC Co-ordinator. The prime task of the IQAC is to develop a system for conscious and consistent improvement in...Read More
Equal Opportunity Cell (EOC) has been established in our college to aid and advise the students belonging to marginalized sections including the Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST), Other Backward Communities (OBCs), minority communities, etc. pursuing various programs in the college. Aims and Objectives To oversee the effective implementation of policies and programmes for disadvantaged...Read More
The “Young Innovators Program” (YIP) is a program launched by the Government of Kerala to nurture a new culture of innovation among students in Kerala. Through this program, students will be provided with the technical and financial support they need to develop and implement their innovations. The event is organized under the auspices of K-Disk,...Read More
View Blog The women development cell is a statutory cell working as per the directions of MHRD and UGC. The primary aim of this cell is women empowerment. It enables economic and emotional self-reliance of women through various activities. Women cell in our institution aims to ensure gender friendly and neutral learning and working atmosphere...Read More
As per the recommendations of UGC 2019, Internal Complaint Committee is constituted under the auspicious of women cell to deal with the issue of gender based violence and to conduct gender sensitization programmes. It also aims to provide healthy and secure atmosphere for all women at all the places and facilities on the campus. The...Read More