National Webinar on Academic Support:Structures Exploring Excellence through Experts 05-02-2022

National Webinar on Academic Support:Structures Exploring Excellence through Experts

A national webinar on ‘Academic support structures: exploring excellence through experts’ was held on 5th February 2022 by NSS Training College, Ottappalam. Ms Aneesha, first year MEd student did the comparing very well. The webinar started with prayer by Ms.Sajini, first year MEd student. Dr.Lekshmi.V ,Webinar co- ordinator offered the welcome address. College Principal Dr.Ampili aravind presided over the function. The webinar was inaugurated by Dr. jayaprakash.R.K, SCERT Director. Dr.K.S. Sajan, IQAC coordinator and Sri.Akhil.k.sreedhar, staff secretary offered felicitations. Athira.T, MEd representative rendered vote of thanks.