Evaluation and Examination Committee

The institution has a proper mechanism for internal evaluation and the conduct of examinations. Internal evaluation is performed continuously and comprehensively according to the university rules.

Teacher in charge of Examination: Dr. Smitha R

Evaluation and Examination Committee

 The institution has proper mechanisms for the conduct of internal examination and evaluation. Internal evaluation is performed continuously and comprehensively following University Rules and norms.

Mechanism for Grievance Redressal related to internal examination 

The institution has a well-structured and well-functioning grievance redressal cell to resolve the grievances among students. The cell gives special attention to concerns and grievances related to internal and external examinations. Students can report their inconveniences, distress or complaints related to internal examination and its evaluation through the grievance redressal system functioning in the college. The institution has a three-tier grievance redressal system. If a student has a complaint with his internal mark he/she can seek resolution from the subject teacher concerned. If the student is not satisfied with this he/she can approach the subject teacher with his /her complaint. If the student is not yet satisfied with the second-tier grievance redressal system he/she can report to the head of the institution to get a satisfactory resolution.

Student teachers are free to report their grievances to their mentor teacher and if students don’t take initiative, concerned teachers ask if there is any grievances about internal marks. If there are any genuine grievances, the concerned teacher will resolve the grievance at the teacher level. In addition to this, A grievance box is kept in the college library. The students are free to write their grievances related to systematic and periodic evaluation mechanisms followed by the institution and put them in the box provided for addressing their grievances. The box is opened every month by the grievance redressal committee and the grievances are tackled most judiciously. If the students are unable to appear for the institution-level internal examination or model examinations in the scheduled date, if the grievance is genuine, the institution provides provision for retesting for those according to the convenience of the student and the concerned subject teacher and also the marks of the retest are considered for internal evaluation. Grievances related to the internal marks of the students are initiated to be resolved within the committee in the presence of the respective subject teacher immediately after publishing the internal marks in the college notice board and on or before uploading the same on the University website. If the complainant is not satisfied, a higher-level committee comprising the head of the institution discusses the matter in detail and gets resolved effectively.

In the case of external examination, also, if there are any grievances are there from the student’s part, the institution takes the initiative to report it to the university and takes necessary follow-up to resolve the issue. During the time of remote learning, the internal marks for each subject were informed to the students personally by the teachers in charge of each subject. The grievances if any, are resolved and after that, the internal marks are uploaded to the university website.