The Institution collaborates with the Ottapalam Municipality to clean the premises of River Nila by collecting plastic and paper wastes separately. The prospective teachers are sensitized about the unbreakable relationship of living beings with the nature and the necessity to preserve its resources. An oath is taken at the river bank that we will never...Read More
VIEW BLOG Undertaken by NSS Training College in association with the Pain and Palliative Care Society, Ottapalam, the unit ideates the inclusion of students in palliative care activities. As addressing suffering involves taking care of issues beyond physical symptoms, students and faculty provide bereavement counselling and offers a support system to help patients live...Read More
The Placement Cell in NSS Training College, Ottapalam provides vocational guidance and informs the students of new avenues and future prospects. The services of the cell also extend to the outer community to help the young find a prospective career. The cell acts as a link connecting students, alumni and the employment world. We have...Read More
In a world fraught with stress, the continuous academic and social hustle dragooned on the students, often make them distraught. The Counselling Cell in NSS Training College, Ottapalam lead by qualified faculty members, supports the students deal with this stress. The services are provided both offline and online in an accessible and nurturing environment that...Read More
Aiming to cater to the needs of patients in and around the district, the Blood Donation Forum of our college, maintains a blood donors directory. Blood donation camps are conducted at regular intervals with the support of medical professionals to alleviate any deadly circumstances arising due to blood scarcity. The forum has initiated a network...Read More
The School Adoption Programme aims at transforming the school education system to impart quality education and open up new vistas for students and teachers irrespective of their social, cultural, religious or economic milieus. As a part of the programme our college has been supporting NSSKPT VHSS, Ottapalam both academically and non-academically. The programme strengthens the...Read More